Message from our President

Mar. 03, 2023

10 March 2023
To all our Axemen families participating in the evaluations that start tomorrow March 11 (U11, U13, U15 and U17 players. (our U7 and U9 players will evaluate in April))
Well folks, the time has come.  Evaluations are upon us.   I am very much looking forward to seeing all the players, from brand new to the seasoned veterans.
Some things to remember/consider tomorrow.
-everyone helping at the Soccer Centre is a volunteer.  Take a second and say thanks for helping out!
-everyone helping at the Soccer Centre is a volunteer.  Please treat others the way you would like to be treated.
-everyone helping at the Soccer Centre is a volunteer.  They are all going to do their best to ensure the evaluation process runs smoothly.
-lastly everyone helping at the Soccer Centre is a volunteer
There is snow expected for later today and overnight.  Please allow enough time to get to the Soccer Centre. All players need to be dressed (equipment requirements) and ready to be on the floor on time...we have a very tight schedule each day so we wont be waiting for late arrivals.  Plan on arriving 30 minutes prior to your scheduled floor time and that should be more than enough.  There will be a check in table by Charlie field, where your player will receive their helmet sticker.  This is to remain on the helmet until evaluations are finished next Sunday(March 19th).
Please remember that there are no spectators for U13-U15 and U17.  Your cooperation is expected and appreciated.  The lounge in the Main Building will be open, should you want to have a snack and/or beverage while your player is playing.
During the evaluations process, please ensure that your age group coordinator is your first point of contact should you have any questions.
These fine folks will either already have the answer you seek, or will work tirelessly to find the answer.
Remember to check and double check your player's equipment bag before you leave for the Soccer Centre...Every year we have panic and meltdowns at evaluations because something was left at home...I have been one of those people, its no fun. Take the couple of extra minutes, it will be worth it.
On behalf of the army of volunteers (some who don't even have kids playing in Axemen), welcome to the 2023 season.  We look forward to seeing you!
Sean Ross
Axemen Lacrosse

Evaluation 50/50 -

Good morning Axemen families,
On behalf of the Board of Directors, let me welcome you to the 2023 installment of the Calgary Axemen's Box Lacrosse season!
We are thrilled that you have all made the choice to have your boys and girls spend some time this spring and play Canada's national Summer Sport!
Some of you are "seasoned veterans" and some are brand new to the sport.  We truly hope that all have a fantastic season and that lacrosse becomes, or continues to be, an important part of your spring plans going forward.
As we approach the evaluations for the U11-U17 age groups I wanted to provide some info.  For the "seasoned veterans" this info will be no surprise, and for those new to us, I hope its helpful.
Firstly, all evaluations this season are at the Calgary Soccer Centre.  This is a major change from previous seasons and we are very happy to be there. The evaluation schedule has been on the Axemen website for sometime now, and initial grouping emails will be sent out by the end of today for next Saturday's first sessions.   Please watch your junk email folders.  the email will have "oneclick" somewhere in the sender field.  Before you send in an email saying you didn't get the grouping, please check your junk folder or spam...
Secondly, our lacrosse club is required to field teams in each age group by following a Tiering Grid that our governing body, the Calgary District Lacrosse Association (CDLA) creates.  In year's past, there have been three divisions in each age group "A", "B" and "C"...this year, the decision was made by the CDLA to eliminate the "C" division (except for U11).  Therefore, U13, U15 and U17 will only have "A" and "B" divisions.  I have attached a copy of the Tiering document so that everyone can see how we will be forming teams for this season.  
With the current numbers entering evaluations, we are expecting the following number of teams in each division.
U11 6    (2A, 2B, 2C)
U13 6    (2A, 4B)
U15 4     (1A, 3B)
U17 2     (1A, 1B)   This will require an exemption by the CDLA, which we hope they grant
For any players wanting to play A level this season, there is an A level expectation letter that must be signed for that player to be considered
For U13A and U15A the link is here
For U17A the link is here       
For U13 to U17, this year, there will again be no spectators allowed.  We tried this last year, and the overwhelming opinion from players and volunteers was that it was a positive change.  Parents are welcome to escort their players to the checkin table, but there will be no spectating from the stands, the area around the floor, hanging from the ceiling or even hiding behind pillars.  There will be volunteers onsite ensuring that no one is somewhere they don't need to be.  If you are approached by a volunteer and asked to move, please don't cause any grief.  We want the evaluation process to be as positive as possible for everyone.  Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in advance.
The following people will be your team of volunteers that are guiding the good ship Axemen along this journey of evaluations
Don Innes  -       Evaluations Director          
Tasha Leontowicz   - U11 Coordinator          
Tiffany Schuchardt  - U13 Coordinator         
Crystal Kleutsch      -  U15 Coordinator        
Tunde Olaosun        -  U17 Coordinator        
Lastly, there is a major change to the Provincials for Box lacrosse this season.  This season Provincials will be held in Edmonton Jul 14th to Jul 16th.
The teams that participate will be the respective winners from each divison in each jurisdiction in the Province..In years past they have been optional, but not this year.  If your team wins City's, that team will be expected to go to Provincials.  Please keep this in mind when planning family summer activities.  
All the best this season...
Sean Ross
Axemen Lacrosse

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