
U11 Evaluations

U11 is a non-parity division (like-skilled/tiered groupings), so players are evaluated to create equal teams.

Attendance at evaluations is required in tiered divisions; please note the new absenteeism policy on our Evaluations Policies page.
Please contact your division coordinator, Brie-Anne Risi at U11 with any attendance issues.
For the 2025 season, U11 evaluations will follow the schedule listed TBA March 15-16 & March 21-22 - players will participate in 4 evaluation sessions - one on each day.
*Please note:  Full registration must be complete before 28 February, 2025. for your player to participate in evaluations and to be placed in the appropriate like-skilled division (1, 2 or 3 Development for U11).  Players registered after February 28th will be be placed in the lowest division within their age group.  For Registration Information click here.

2025 Evaluation Lists

Evaluation groups will be emailed in the days leading up to the Parity Evaluations and then sent out nightly after every group session, within 24 hours. In the case of an evaluation the next day, new group lists will be completed and posted within 4 hours of evaluations ending for the day.  

Evaluation Emails are sent from One-Click, if you are missing an evaluation time, please check your SPAM folder.  If you require assistance, please contact your U11 Coordinator.

Please arrive 45 minutes prior to your first scheduled floor time to allow time for the check-in process and your child to get geared up.
Evaluations are being held at Calgary Soccer Center and/or Indus Rec Centre
CSC  = Calgary Soccer Centre
Indus Recreation Centre which is located approximately 15 kilometres south east of Calgary off of Highway 22x East and secondary Highway 791. Indus can be accessed via Trans-Canada Highway East, Glenmore Trail East, or Highway 22x East.
The address of Indus Recreation Centre is:
225155A Range Road 281A
Indus, AB T1X 0H7
You can access the Indus Recreation Centre's website here.
Indus does have a concession but it isn't always open during the non-hockey season, so please bring water and snacks with you.



Upcoming Games

Calgary Axemen U11C 1 @

Fri, May. 09, 2025 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Calgary Soccer Centre - South

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