U9 is a parity division, players are evaluated to create equal teams based on season start information.
For the 2025 season, U9 players will follow the evaluation schedule that will be released in March 2025
For the 2025 season, birth years for U9 are 2017/2018(ages are as of December 31 of the calendar year)
For the 2025 Season, U9 Player evaluations are expected to be during April 1 to April 8, 2025 - SCHEDULE TBD
Attendance is expected in parity divisions and notice does need to be given if evaluations will be missed for any reason.
2025 Evaluation Lists -
Evaluation groups will be emailed in the days leading up to the Evaluations (in the first week of April) and then sent out nightly after every group session, within 24 hours. In the case of an evaluation the next day, new group lists will be completed and posted within 4 hours of evaluations ending for the day.